Saturday, February 5, 2011

Broken Hill

Broken Hill is a mining town in the outback of New South Wales, about 1200 km inland from Sydney.

Silver, lead, and other minerals were first discovered here in the 1800s, and mining continues today. Many of the street names pay homage to the city's history, with names such as Oxide, Sulphide, Cobalt, and Mercury!

Broken Hill is a beautiful, but potentially treacherous, place. Watch out!

Silverton is a nearby "ghost town" that still attracts many tourists.

St. Carthage Catholic Church overlooks the rugged landscape.

The area is home to many artists and has a thriving gallery scene.

The outback is unusually green this year because of heavy rain fall. This is the road below Mundi Mundi Lookout, which was actually closed due to flooding.

A cemetery on the outskirts of town reveals the harsh conditions miners and their families endured. With no fresh water and a lack of sanitation, typhoid was rampant in the early days.

With its stunning landscapes and historic architecture, Silverton is a popular film and tv location...

...most notably, it was the setting for the movie Mad Max 2 in 1981.

Inventive sculpture by a local artist.

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